UX Audit Guides & Resources

For Product Teams that want to review their UX

If you're looking to perform your own UX audit (UX review), or want to make the right choice when hiring someone to do if you for we've got the guides and tools you need.

What's a UX audit?

It's a systematic evaluation of a product's user experience. It involves identifying usability issues, understanding user behaviours, and aligning the product with user needs to enhance overall satisfaction and performance. This process helps in making informed decisions to improve the design, functionality, and overall effectiveness of your product.

UX audit broken into usability, behaviours, and product improvement

Why conduct an audit?

Conducting an audit offers numerous benefits that enhance your product’s performance and user satisfaction:

  • Identify Opportunities to Improve: Discover new ways to enhance your product.
  • Enhance User Satisfaction: Identify and resolve pain points to create a smoother UX.
  • Fix Usability Issues: Pinpoint and fix areas where users struggle, optimising UI, and processes.
  • Increase Conversions: A better UX makes it easier for users to complete desired actions.
  • Reduce Churn: Address reasons for user abandonment, improving retention.
  • Drive Growth: Align product with user expectations, and drive conversions and sales.

What's the objective of a UX audit?

Why conduct an audit? Fix usability issues, reduce churn, increase conversions, and enhance user satisfaction.

When's the best time to do it?

Timing a UX review correctly is important to maintain and improve product quality. I tend to recommend these key moments as good opportunities to do one. And remember that you don't have to audit an entire app in one go - biting it off in chunks might be more pragmatic.

  • After a Major Release: Check new features or significant changes enhance the user experience without introducing new issues.
  • In Response to User Feedback: Resolve consistent negative user feedback and complaints.
  • Declining Metrics: In response to a declining KPIs with no obvious explanation.
  • Accessibility Compliance: Meet your legal requirements for usability for all users
When to do a ux review? After a major release, based on user feedback, declining metrics, or for compliance reasons.

Do I even need a UX review?

A UX review is beneficial if you're looking to enhance your product's user experience. It is particularly important for products experiencing high user churn, low engagement, or poor conversion rates. Whether you're launching a new product, redesigning an existing one, or aiming to improve user satisfaction and performance, an audit can provide valuable insights.

How do I conduct an audit?

You basically have two options. You and your team can do it, or you can hire someone else to do it. If you're brave enough to take on the challenge yourself we've written a guide that goes into detail on how to do a UX audit.

What's normally included?

An audit typically includes a heuristic evaluation, and a data review. Sometimes significantly larger and more expensive audits include user interviews, usability testing and user journey mapping. All of these things are packaged neatly into a report that often includes recommendations.

Off the shelf audits/reviews include things like:

  • Heuristic Evaluation: Assessing the product against established usability principles.
  • User Journey Mapping: Understanding the paths users take through your product.
  • Analytics Review: Analysing data to understand user behavior patterns.

Where a more in-depth audit might include:

  • Competitive Analysis: Comparing your product with competitors to identify strengths and weaknesses.
  • Accessibility Audit: Ensuring your product is accessible to all users, including those with disabilities.
  • User Interviews & Usability Testing: Gathering qualitative insights from users and identifying specific usability issues.
Comprehensive audits can include: heuristic evaluation, user journey mapping, analytics review, competative analysis, accessibility, and user interviews.

How long does it take?

The duration of an audit depends on the scope and complexity of the project. A basic UX audit can take anywhere from 1 to 2 weeks, while a comprehensive audit involving extensive user testing and competitive analysis might take 4 to 6 weeks. In general, they're typically completed within a timeframe of 2 to 6 weeks, covering planning, data collection, analysis, and reporting.

How much does it cost?

The cost of an audit can vary significantly depending on several factors, including the scope of work, product complexity, and the expertise of the UX professionals involved. Basic UX audits by freelancers typically range from £100 to £1,500, while audits from expert consultants and agencies can cost between £2,000 and £15,000, sometimes more.

Get a better idea of how much you'll invest with our UX audit cost & pricing guide

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